Pushing the boundaries


Over time, we have formed partnership agreements to actively support our operations.

Riverlake has partnerships with Emar offshore BV both in Netherlands and Curaçao, as well as in Cayenne, French Guiana, with Société Guyanaise de Conseils et Ingénierie (SGCI).

This entails a wide range of responsibilities, spanning from overseeing the procurement and crewing of vessels for the offshore and dredging markets, shipbroking to conducting research on topics such as oil quay rehabilitation, Conventional Buoy Mooring System (CBM), and other energy supply technologies dedicated to regions where partnerships are in place.

Does this appeal to you, do you have an idea of a partnership with us?





We deal across the five continents

We are at the forefront of the maritime indutry.



Be a partner!

Let's reinvent the way of working.